My water/sewer bill is outrageously high! I never use that much water, what’s going on?

The most common source of abnormally high water/sewer bills is leaky plumbing inside the property.  More often than not, the source of that leak is a toilet.  Did you know that a toilet constantly leaking at only ¼ gallon per minute can cost you as much as $350 over a 3-month billing cycle? 

If you suspect your toilet might be leaking but aren’t sure, place one drop of food coloring in the tank.  Don’t flush the toilet – walk away for 10 minutes and then come back and look inside the toilet bowl.  If, when you come back, you see color in the bowl… you’ve caught the leaky culprit in action!  We also often discover leaks under mobile homes, outdoor faucets left on for long periods of time, or leaking hot water heaters. 

The problem is almost never the water meter – in fact, water meters usually slow down over time and it’s incredibly rare that they over-register use.