Aerial Tour

Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF)

The North Conway Water Precinct Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) is a state of the art 5-stage Bardenpho process providing advanced biological nutrient removal. The WWTF capable of effectively treating 2.25 million gallons per day (MGD) before returning cleaned effluent back to the groundwater within the Saco River aquifer. 

Wastewater treatment is both an art and a science. As you will read below, operators use their knowledge of microbiology, chemistry, and physics to analyze and optimize WWTF performance – but at the end of the day, any operator will tell you that working with the hundreds (if not thousands) of possible adjustments within the WWTF to optimize treatment is an art that is developed over many, many years of observation and experience.

Zoom into the map below and click on the numbers in order to learn more about our Wastewater Treatment Facility and its various processes.  A handy reference glossary of terms used in the wastewater treatment process can be found here.